LLNL Capabilities
Expanding Frontiers Together
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has a legacy of scientific expertise ranging from physical and life sciences, advanced manufacturing, high performance computing, high energy density science, and more.
This array of capabilities, combined with LLNL’s team science approach, helps potential partners find innovative solutions to shared problems.
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
LLNL’s multidisciplinary approach enables the rapid invention and development of advanced materials and the creation of revolutionary manufacturing processes, all with a cost-effective, low-waste ethos.
The scope of our Advanced Materials and Manufacturing research includes additive manufacturing, material development, systems design, design optimization and implementation, and specialized manufacturing capabilities not available outside of the Laboratory.
From running experiments to testing new designs to spearheading new ways to fabricate components, our teams transform cutting-edge concepts into reality supported by LLNL’s mission-driven science and technology.
Bioscience and Bioengineering
Bioscience and Bioengineering
LLNL’s bio-based research teams tackle some of our nation’s most urgent challenges threatening human health, environmental biology, and biosecurity.
Our researchers are leaders in genomics, molecular toxicology, host–pathogen biology, structural biology, nanotechnology, and predictive medicine. Our multidisciplinary teams use this expertise and integrate world-class computational tools and experimental systems to develop effective countermeasures to biological and chemical threats, design advanced diagnostic tools, and produce novel therapeutics and biomaterials.
LLNL’s approach to solving these challenges draws on our expertise in numerous disciplines and collaborations with industry, academia, and government agencies.
Earth and Atmospheric Science
Earth and Atmospheric Science
Our planet faces growing environmental and climate challenges, driving the need to secure an adequate supply of clean energy and address environmental contaminants. Our research teams tackle these complex issues and related national security challenges such as ensuring the resilience of energy delivery systems.
In these efforts, LLNL leverages state-of-the-art computational methods, validated with unique laboratory capabilities and large-scale field experiments. Some of our nation’s most unique experimental facilities help Laboratory staff study the complex interactions among energy production, energy use, and the environment.
To better understand the critical role Earth processes play in energy, environmental, and national security missions, Laboratory staff regularly partner with industry, academic, and government colleagues.
High Performance Computing, Simulation, and Data Science
High Performance Computing, Simulation, and Data Science
Operating one of the world’s largest and most advanced high performance computing centers, LLNL advances scientific discovery through foundational and innovative research; mission-driven data science; complex modeling, simulation, and analysis; and creative technologies and software solutions.
Computational, computer, and data scientists, statisticians, and mathematicians leverage computing capabilities to support national security and advance an array of scientific research areas including exascale computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Continued investment in high performance computing positions the Laboratory to lead emerging areas of computer science well into the future.
High Energy Density Science
High Energy Density Science
LLNL is a leader in high energy density (HED) science, the study of physical changes in matter and energy under extreme conditions. This work integrates multiple disciplines, including atomic, nuclear, and condensed-matter physics, high-performance computing, and laser science.
Expertise gained at the Laboratory’s energetic laser facilities informs research on extreme states of matter. Experiments provide unprecedented insights into HED physics, validate 3D codes, enhance understanding of physics and laser‒plasma interactions and inform other scientific applications. We collaborate with other world-class facilities to design experiments, develop diagnostics, and accelerate solutions.
Laser Science
Laser Science
High-powered laser systems allow us to recreate experimental conditions never before possible on Earth. Over the last 50 years, the Laboratory’s legacy of innovative laser science has supported experiments in high energy density, materials science, medicine, biology, and industry.
LLNL designs, builds, and operates a series of large and complex laser facilities for science driven by national security needs. These lasers have set world records in laser energy, power, and brightness. This exceptional capability enables premier science, including the first-ever achievement of fusion ignition in a laboratory on December 5, 2022.
Through a partnership with the University of California Livermore Collaboration Center (UCLCC), LVOC provides a platform for external collaborators and researchers to propose and engage in work done at the Jupiter Laser Facility. By collaborating with academic researchers, industry experts, and skilled colleagues, the Laboratory is investing in laser science as an emerging area of research.
Nuclear, Chemical, and Isotopic Science
Nuclear, Chemical, and Isotopic Science
Understanding how nuclear physics, particle physics, and chemistry intersect is no simple feat. LLNL scientists explore nuclear reactions, the limits of nuclear stability, and the properties of the heaviest elements. Their work helps develop new radiation detection systems to reduce nuclear threats, while other experiments look to the Solar System to search for the missing matter in the universe.
Multidisciplinary teams of researchers contribute to scientific advances in high explosives research, nuclear and particle physics, and environmental radiochemistry. These teams include nuclear and particle physicists, chemists, and forensic and computer scientists.
To gain a broader understanding of our natural world, LLNL researchers also pursue compelling scientific problems through collaborations on key DOE and NNSA projects. A dual focus on fundamental science and national security enables us to push the frontiers of discovery.
LVOC Facilities
LVOC’s onsite facilities house resources and equipment to accelerate scientific discovery and application.

Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory
LLNL develops some of the world’s most sophisticated manufacturing equipment and materials, all housed at the Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory (AML). Laboratory, industry, and academic partners can work together inside the AML to address manufacturing challenges across a range of commercial and government projects.

Livermore Computing Center
First-class computational infrastructure supports vital energy, environmental, and national security research. LVOC partnerships can provide access to extraordinary simulation and modeling capabilities, enabling new frontiers of discovery and innovation.

Collaboration Center and Office Space
Hosting a group meeting or gathering at LVOC makes it easy to include researchers, guest speakers, or community members. All conference spaces and guest offices are equipped with video teleconference (VTC) audio-visual capabilities ideal for interns, summer students, or visitors.

Discovery Center
Open to all ages, the Discovery Center is a pillar of LVOC’s educational outreach initiatives by providing visitors with exciting ways to learn about the Laboratory’s legacy of innovation. A mini-museum filled with displays, games, and exhibits, the Discovery Center also has ancillary educational classrooms and outdoor space for gatherings.
Proposed Facilities
New investments in LVOC's world-class facilities are critical to the success of our strategic planning.
Integrative Bio Resilience Laboratory
The Integrative Bio Resilience Laboratory (IBRL) will bring bioscience, biotechnology, bioengineering, and computing staff together in an integrated work environment on the LVOC campus. Research will focus on accelerated and accurate assessment, detection, and countermeasure development to mitigate the effects of emerging threats.
Prototyping Enclave
The LLNL Prototyping Enclave will be a hub for demonstrating critical climate technologies and developing the workforce essential to build critical climate infrastructure. LVOC’s ability to host academia, national laboratories, government, industry, and the private sector in the Prototyping Enclave helps overcome barriers in the rapid scale-up of great ideas.
High Energy Density and Laser Science Facility
Planning is underway for a new High Energy Density (HED) and Laser Science facility at LVOC in the early 2030s. This hands-on facility will open new frontiers of HED science, build new partnerships, and attract premier talent. LVOC’s open environment promotes risk-taking and innovation for the facility’s mission-driven work.
Partnering with Us
Potential collaborators come to LVOC with different challenges, capabilities, and resources. We tailor engagements to help meet your needs. If you have a big idea that could benefit from national laboratory expertise, we’d like to hear from you. Connect with us to explore opportunities for collaborations or plan a visit to the campus.